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The EESytem

Discover the benefits of the Energy Enhancement System

The Energy Enhancement System (EESystem) is a remarkable fusion of cutting-edge technology that generates multiple bio-active energy fields, including scalar waves and a unique morphogenic energy field, often referred to as a torsion field or scalar vortex. These energy fields, when combined with light in the form of biophotons, have a profound ability to interact with the body’s DNA matrix, ushering in a wealth of life-enhancing benefits.

EESystem’s interface with the DNA matrix stands as the cornerstone of its transformative potential. By engaging with this genetic framework, it catalyzes a cascade of responses that support various facets of well-being:

  • Cell Regeneration: The EESystem promotes the natural regeneration of cells, facilitating tissue health and vitality.
  • Enhanced Immune Function: By stimulating the body’s innate energy, the system fortifies the immune system, empowering it to ward off illness and maintain peak health.
  • Pain Relief: Users often report significant relief from a variety of discomforts and pains when exposed to the EESystem’s energy fields.
  • Detoxification: The system aids in the body’s detoxification process, purging toxins at the cellular level and rejuvenating the body’s core.
  • Elevated Mood: EESystem’s energy fields are linked to improved mental and emotional well-being, fostering an uplifted mood and reduced stress.
  • Brain Hemisphere Balancing: Through the harmonious balance of the right and left hemispheres of the brain, it enhances mental clarity and boosts cognitive energy.
  • Increased Energy Levels: Users consistently experience heightened vitality, mental acuity, and overall energy following exposure to the EESystem.


This holistic approach to well-being is achieved non-invasively and safely, serving as a beacon for those on a quest for natural paths to enhanced vitality and wellness. The EESystem’s unique synergy of light and energy fields opens the doors to a profound journey of self-healing and rejuvenation.


Meet the Founder of the EESystem Technology

Dr. Michael is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine with a background in biophysics, quantum and nuclear physics. Throughout her life she has been a member of MENSA, a high IQ society of individuals scoring in the 98th percentile or higher on intelligence tests. She was born to hyper-genius parents who met in the government sector of engineering physics. Her mother was a nuclear physicist, and her father was an aerospace electrical, mechanical and structural engineer. While her mother was pregnant with her, she was working on nuclear bomb technology, and she came into the world with a heavy load of radiation damage. Her life quest has been figuring out how to heal the body from the negative impacts of this technology.

Having taught holistic medicine for more than four decades, Dr. Michael’s research in applied integrative biophysics has earned prestigious recognition, such as the Presidential and International Who’s Who. She has lectured at the United Nations, MIT, the World Summit on Integral Medicine, the Harvard Club, The Royal Society of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical School, the Scalar Research Experts Conference, anti-aging congresses, as well as numerous medical schools and ministries of health worldwide.

Dr. Michael has also been featured in various national newspapers and journal articles, including a recent prominent study on autism and seizure disorder, which was published in the Journal of Neurology Research. The true Bio-Scalar EESystem technology has been publicized by media outlets like CNN, Fox News, The Doctors, the Wall Street Journal and the Beverly Hills Times.

In her own words, “The power that made the body, heals the body.”